Etain Syracuse



2140 Erie Blvd. E., Syracuse, NY 13224


43.0523, -76.110624






10:00 AM – 6:00 PM


10:00 AM – 6:00 PM


10:00 AM – 6:00 PM


10:00 AM – 6:00 PM


10:00 AM – 4:00 PM




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4 reviews for “Etain Syracuse

  1. Arcuate

    Service was pretty slow even though i had an appointment, the experience left a bit to be desired however the co2 oil is very good, very expensive but very good i believe its about 850mg for $200 (it also tastes like apricots), is it the strongest out – no (not that it’s weak).. but as far as quality .. for a co2 these guys and madmen are tied for the best in nys med imo, but medmen only gives you 200mg for 85 so .. advantage etain

  2. Cusefan3

    Location is in a great spot. The product is fantastic but it’s very expensive for the quantity of liquid in a tincture bottle.There is I think 75 drops per bottle and cost $130 after a discount. You also receive a loyalty voucher towards your next purchase which depends on the amount of money you spend. The e-cig comes with everything you need but again the small amount of oil will cost you $130 less a discount. I was impressed when I asked the strain and they told me it was White Widow. The strain took care of the chronic pain and my Neuropathy.
    I tried another dispensary in Syracuse and they didn’t know the strain and only had liquid which was 1:1 ratio which was very cheap,$45.I haven’t tried the 1:1 ratio yet.I need high THC and this is like medium.
    So quality wise this is the best dispensary with the best quality but it isn’t cheap but I guess you pay for what get.

  3. Rellysh

    I went here over the previous fall/winter. Location is over 45 miles away from me. Its the closest one near me. It takes me an hour to get there plus I would have to wait 30-40 min before seen even with an appointment. I tried the vaporizer 50/50 and told me it wasnt a specific strain. I dod find it helpful for moderate pain and did not last very long. maybe 2hours. It also cost me 200$ per 500ml vial which barely lasted a week if streeched. Very freindly and helpful staff and great eviroment.

  4. viper643

    Etain was referred by my doctor. If this is the best business model the all female founders can create; they may need more feedback. K. Peckham, horticulturist, needs to revisit the hybrid strain used in the Forte brand. The harshness of this vape reminds me of Lebanese Red hash. Coughing until my eyes tear is not good for a medical cannabis.

    The sign in was as friendly as meeting any stranger on the street. ” Fill out the info on the I-Pad” was the receptionist ‘s direction. Being a geriatric, who still uses a flip phone, this was a challenge. The info was a redundant act of personal data.

    Total time for my (on time) appointment was a bit over an hour. The strain of cannabis used in their meds wasn’t divulged . Either didn’t know or “it’s a secret formula” response. So my next purchase will be with one of the other dispensaries in Syracuse.

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